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1251 |
 | Rudolph Family visiting the Brenner Family at Yellow Goose Rd Raymond Frederick Brenner |
1252 |
 | Rudolph, Abram Powell - Headstone (front) in grave O-3-21 M at Woodbury Friends Burial Ground, 124 N. Broad St The name, birth date and death date of Abram P. Rudolph are readable. The grave location "O-3-21 M" means Orthodox branch, Row 3, Grave 21 and that the person was a Member of the Woodbury Monthly Meeting From the photo collection of Robert Charles Rudo |
1253 |
 | Rudolph, Abram Powell - Headstone in grave O-3-21 M at the Woodbury Friends Burial Ground, 124 N. Broad St, Woodbury, NJ The name, birth date and death date of Abram P. Rudolph are readable. The grave location "O-3-21 M" means Orthodox branch, Row 3, Grave 21 and that the person was a Member of the Woodbury Monthly Meeting From the photo collection of Robert Charles Rudo |
1254 |
 | Rudolph, Abram, Mary, Hannah, Sarah, Samuel - Headstones in graves O-3-21 M through O-3-25 M are places in a row at the Woodbury Friends BG Their names and sometimes birth date and death date are readable. |
1255 |
 | Rudolph, Bert Erskine - Newspaper Article on his Life, Career and Death The name and death date/place of Bert Erskine Rudolph are included, along with informaton about his mother, churchmen activities, career and residences. |
1256 |
 | Rudolph, Emma Jane - Baptism and Confirmation Certificates Includes the birth date/place, baptism date/place, confirmation date/place and parents of Emma Jane Rudolph From the photo collection of John Frederick Brenner from Robert Hunsperger |
1257 |
 | Rudolph, Ernest John and Taylor, Julia A. - Marriage Certificate (partial) Includes the names and marriage date/place of ...olph and Julia A. Taylor |
1258 |
 | Rudolph, Hannah P. - Headstone in grave O-3-23 M at the Woodbury Friends Burial Ground, 124 N. Broad St, Woodbury, NJ The name and birth year of Hannah P. Rudolph are readable. The grave location "O-3-23 M" means Orthodox branch, Row 3, Grave 23 and that the person was a Member of the Woodbury Monthly Meeting |
1259 |
 | Rudolph, John M. - Obituary Includes the name, parents' names, age at death, death date/place and burial date/location of John M. Rudolph. |
1260 |
 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
1261 |
 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
1262 |
 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
1263 |
 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
1264 |
 | Rudolph, Mary Eliz. - Headstone (front) in grave O-3-22 M at the Woodbury Friends Burial Ground, Woodbury, NJ The name, birth date and death month of Mary Eliz. Rudolph are readable. The grave location "O-3-22 M" means Orthodox branch, Row 3, Grave 22 and that the person was a Member of the Woodbury Monthly Meeting |
1265 |
 | Rudolph, Mary Eliz. - Headstone in grave O-3-22 M at the Woodbury Friends Burial Ground, 124 N. Broad St, Woodbury, NJ The name, birth date and death month of Mary Eliz. Rudolph are readable. The grave location "O-3-22 M" means Orthodox branch, Row 3, Grave 22 and that the person was a Member of the Woodbury Monthly Meeting |
1266 |
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1267 |
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1268 |
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1269 |
 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
1270 |
 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
1271 |
 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
1272 |
 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
1273 |
 | Rudolph, Robert Ernest - Certificate of Death Includes the name, birth date/place, death date/place, parents' names, occupation and military service of Robert Ernest Rudolph |
1274 |
 | Rudolph, Robert Ernest - Headstone in Lot No. SE-208 Section 28 at Rose Hill Cemetery, Elm Street, Rocky Hill, CT The name, birth date and death date of Robert Ernest Rudolph are readable. From the photo collection of Robert Charles Rudolph |
1275 |
 | Rudolph, Robert Ernest - Obituary Includes the name, birth place, death date/place, age, burial date/place, mother's name, children's names/place of residence, age occupation and military service of Robert Ernest Rudolph |
1276 |
 | Rudolph, Sarah L. - Headstone (front) in grave O-3-24 M at the Woodbury Friends Burial Ground, Woodbury, NJ The name, birth date and death date of Sarah L. Rudolph are readable. The grave location "O-3-24 M" means Orthodox branch, Row 3, Grave 24 and that the person was a Member of the Woodbury Monthly Meeting |
1277 |
 | Rudolph, Sarah L. - Headstone in grave O-3-24 M at the Woodbury Friends Burial Ground, 124 N. Broad St, Woodbury, NJ The name, birth date and death date of Sarah L. Rudolph are readable. The grave location "O-3-24 M" means Orthodox branch, Row 3, Grave 24 and that the person was a Member of the Woodbury Monthly Meeting |
1278 |
 | Rudolph, Thomas - Administration of Estate - PA, Probate Records, 1683-1994 > Delaware > Orphans' Court dockets 1790-1849 Includes the death date, administrators, spouse, children, childrens' guardian, residence of all and detailed property description including bordering land owners of Thomas Rudolph
The Petition of Abram P. Rudolph and Abram Powell Administrators of Thomas Rudolph late of the Township of Upper Darby in the County of Delaware Deceased, was presented Showing that the Intestate died on the seventh day of June las past leaving a Widow to wit Hannah Rudolph, and issue Five Children to wit Abram P. Rudolph, Mary M. Rudolph, Thomas Rudolph, Hannah P. Rudolph and Sarah Ann Rudolph, the last four of whom are minors, and the last three named of whom have for their Guardian William Rudolph. And that all said Children reside in said Township of Upper Darby, and said Guardian resides in Ridley Township in said County. That the personal estate of the said decedent is insufficient for the payment of his debts. A just and true account of which as far as they have come to the knowledge of your Petitioners is herewith exhibited in a schedule marked 'A'. As also a true and perfect inventory and conscionable appraisement of all the personal Estate whatever of the decedent marked 'B'. That the said decedent died seized in his demesne as of fee. Of and in the followed mentioned and described Real Estate, to wit First a Messuage or Tenement and tract or piece of Land situate in the Township of Upper Darby aforesaid. Bounded by lands of Mary Owen, Isaac Lobb, Charles Garrett and other Containing about one hundred and fifteen acres of land more of Less with the appurtenances. Second Messuage or Tenement and tract or piece of Land Situate in Springfield Township in said County of Delaware Bounded and described as follows by lands of Joseph Powell, Phebe Garrett, Susan Taylor, Joel Evans and other lands of said Deceased. Containing fifty acres, three Roods and thirty two perches, more or less, with appurtenances. Being the same premises which Maris Worall & David Worall Administrators of Edward Flounders decd by Indenture dated the sixteenth day of October A.D. 1820 ... to the said decedent in fee. Except eighteen acres one Rodd and fourteen perches of said Tract ... was granted by said decedent to Joseph Powell. And third a Messuage or Tenement and Tract or piece of Land situate in said Township of Springfield. Bounded and described as follows. To wit By lands of Joel Evans, Benanuel Lownes, Joseph Evans and by last described tract of Land. Being the same premises which Charles Carey and his wife by their Indenture dated the second day of April A.D. 1829 granted to the said decedent in fee. And Containing thirty six acres and one hundred forty four ... of Land more or less with the appurtenances and that the said Real Estate is all the Real Estate whereof the said decedent died seized. And praying he Court to Grant them and order to make sale of the First mentioned message or Tenement and Tract of one hundred and fifteen acres with the appurtenances for the payment of the debts and the maintenance of the minor Children of said deceased. Whereupon the Court upon hearing the Petition and exhibits hereunto annexed and duly considering the same ... adjudge and decree that the said Administrators be authorized to make sale of that part of the Real Estate mentioned in the said Petition. Containing one hundred and fifteen acres on the premises on Friday the Twenty seventh day of October A.D. 1843. For the purpose therein stated. According to the provisions and directions of the act of the twenty ninth of March 1832. Entitled an act Relating to Orphans Courts. They the said Administrators first filing in the Office of the Clerk of this Court a Bond in the sum of Eighteen Thousand Dollars with Joseph Powell and Joseph Hibberd their sureties. Who are approved of by the court. Conditioned for the faithful appropriation of the proceeds of Sale. And make Return of their proceedings to the next Orphans Court. Bond Filed. |
1279 |
 | Rudolph, Thomas - Childrens' Guardian Appointed - PA, Probate Records > Delaware > Orphans' Court dockets 1790-1849, (Family Search, Images #604, 30 Aug 1843) Includes the place of residence, approximate age and appointment of William Rudolph as Guardian, for Hannah P., Thomas and Sarah Ann Rudolph on 30 Aug 1843, shortly after the death of their father Thomas Rudolph.
Hannah P. Rudolph a minor above the age of Fourteen years Daughter of Thomas Rudolph late of the Township of Upper Darby Deceased, appeared in open Court & made choice of William Rudolph as Guardian of her person and Estate which said choice is approved of by the Court and the said William Rudolph is appointed accordingly.
Thomas Rudolph a minor above the age of Fourteen years son of Thomas Rudolph late of the Township of Upper Darby Deceased, appeared in open Court & made choice of William Rudolph as Guardian of his person and Estate which said choice is approved of by the Court and the said William Rudolph is appointed accordingly.
On Petition William Rudolph is appointed Guardian of the person and Estate of Sarah Ann Rudolph a minor under the age of Fourteen years Daughter of Thomas Rudolph late of Upper Darby deceased.
1280 |
 | Ruth Newton Ripley taken in 1923 at Cuba Street, Watertown, MA From the photo collection of Beth Ann Daniels |
1281 |
 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
1282 |
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1283 |
 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
1284 |
 | Sallie Freeman |
1285 |
 | Samual Mann Nichols - High School Diploma |
1286 |
 | Samuel Fogg 1628-1672 His Ancestors and Descendants - Aaron Fogg - No. 183 This history includes his name, birth date and parents. The entry is primarily a biography of Aaron Fogg. |
1287 |
 | Samuel Fogg 1628-1672 His Ancestors and Descendants - Aaron Fogg - No. 48 This long and rich biographical and historical entry includes his name and his child Princess Eleanor. |
- Edward, I, King of England
- Princess Eleanor
- Elizabeth
- Ferdinand, III, King of Castile
- Lowys
- Lady Mary
- Elisha Bassett, Jr
- Sarah Bassett
- Princess Joan D'Arce
- Abigail Davis
- Isacc Davis
- John Davis
- Lady Eleanor de Clare
- Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Hertford and Gloucester
- Ann De Pympe
- Reginald De Pympe
- Lady Phillippa Fitz-Alan
- Richard Fitz-Alan, 9th Earl of Arundel
- Aaron Fogg
- Charles Fogg
- Charles Fogg
- Hannah Fogg
- Mary Fogg
- Rachel Fogg
- Sarah Fogg
- Sarah Fogg
- Major Daniel Gotherson
- Dorothea Gotherson
- Sir Thomas Gower
- Jane Knatchbull
- Hugh le Despencer, Earl of Winchester
- Lady Isabel le Despencer
- Hannah Miller
- Sir Robert Pahley, Knight
- Lady Elysabeth Pashley
- Sir John Pashley, Knight
- Sir Charles Scott
- Dorothea Scott
- Sir John Scott
- Sir John Scott, Sheriff of Kent, 1528
- Sir Thomas Scott
- Lady Phillippa Sergeaux
- Sir Richard Sergeaux, Knight of Sergeaux
- Sir Bryan Tuke
- Lady Jane Wyatt
- Sir Thomas Wyatt
1288 |
 | Samuel Fogg 1628-1672 His Ancestors and Descendants - Samuel A. Fogg - No. 482 This history includes his name, birth date and parents. This rich historical entry includes a couple newpaper social notes along with the obituary of Samuel Fogg. |
1289 |
 | Samuel Fogg 1628-1672 His Ancestors and Descendants - Sarah Ann Fogg - No. 1220 This history includes his name, birth date and death date. |
1290 |
 | Samuel Fogg Rudolph in 1903 From the 21st birthday celebration for his nephew Errnest John Rudolph. From the photo collection of Robert Charles Rudolph |
1291 |
 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
1292 |
 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
1293 |
 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
1294 |
 | Samuel Mann Nichols and Betty Tanenbaum in December 1974 at the Concord Minuteman Statue From the photo collection of Horatio Barnes Nichols, II |
1295 |
 | Samuel Mann Nichols in 1944 just before his marriage From the photo collection of Horatio Barnes Nichols, II. |
1296 |
 | Samuel Mann Nichols in 1948 Back of photo says: Sam Nichols, 1948, Bear Mountain, N.Y. From the photo collection of Horatio Barnes Nichols, II. |
1297 |
 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
1298 |
 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
1299 |
 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
1300 |
 | Sarah Ann Fogg Album from 1844 A beautiful 59-page collection of "forget me not" and "remember me" verses written in 1844 and 1845 by her friends and some close cousins. This was around the time of her sixteenth birthday. Wonderful reading or printing. |