Our Family Genealogy Pages
First Name: Last Name:
John Mason Rudolph 1860-1900 The Baumgartner Family in January 1956 Horatio Nichols 1831-1899 Elizabeth Thankful Sunderland 1911-1986 Cosimo Lepore and Luigia Luongo Emma Louise Erskine (Grandma Johnson) 1862-1951 Sarah Rebecca Nichols 1861-1924 Lord Robert Erskine John and Pauline Yaeger Bert Erskine Rudolph 1890-1940 Arthur Thomas Nichols 1907-1969 Julia Ann Taylor 1883-1918 Alfonso Luongo Emily Bosch Edward Albert Nichols 1868-1924
John Mason
Baumgartner Family
and Luigia
John and
Mabel, Adelaide
and Sally Nichols
Ernest John Rudolph

Ernest John Rudolph[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]

Male 1882 - 1936

Personal Information    |    Media    |    Notes    |    Sources    |    All    |    PDF

  • Born  10 Apr 1882  Philadelphia, PA Find all individuals with events at this location  [3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10
    Gender  Male 
    Died  24 Jun 1936  [7, 10, 11
    Buried  27 Jun 1936  Upper Darby, PA Find all individuals with events at this location  [7, 10, 11
    Person ID  I34  Rudolph
    Last Modified  27 Feb 2013 

    Father  John Mason Rudolph,   b. 10 Jan 1860,   d. 16 Jun 1900, Ocean Grove, NJ Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Mother  Emma Louise Erskine,   b. 4 Dec 1862, Philadelphia, PA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 17 Feb 1951, Trenton, NJ Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Married  16 Jun 1881 
    Family ID  F33  Group Sheet

    Family 1  Julia Ann Taylor,   b. 22 May 1883,   d. 18 Oct 1918  [8, 12, 13, 14
    Married  29 Nov 1905  Philadelphia, PA Find all individuals with events at this location  [8, 12, 13, 14
    >1. Elizabeth Julia Rudolph,   b. 9 Sep 1906, Philadelphia, PA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 26 Mar 1984
     2. Erskine Francis Rudolph,   b. 6 Dec 1908,   d. 13 Mar 1909
     3. Ernest John Rudolph, Jr,   b. 19 Jul 1910,   d. 5 Aug 1911
    >4. Robert Erskine Rudolph,   b. 10 Feb 1912, N. Plainfield, NJ Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 28 May 1983, Columbia, MD Find all individuals with events at this location
    >5. John Mason Rudolph,   b. 6 Jul 1915, Philadelphia, PA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 31 Aug 1973
    >6. Emma Jane Rudolph,   b. 7 Nov 1917, Philadelphia, PA Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 30 Aug 1996, Lancaster, PA Find all individuals with events at this location
    Family ID  F15  Group Sheet

    Family 2  Maude Gertrude Pindell,   b. 20 Nov 1877,   d. 11 Sep 1961, Harmon, MD Find all individuals with events at this location  [12, 14
    Married  9 Jun 1920  Kensington, PA Find all individuals with events at this location  [12, 14
    Family ID  F41  Group Sheet

  • Photos

    » Slide Show
    A lock of Ernest John Rudolph's hair from when he was 22 months old
    A lock of Ernest John Rudolph's hair from when he was 22 months old
    The lock of hair was inside the paper sleeve, tied with the pink string. The note and tied lock of hair were inside the envelope.
    The note, dated February 13, 1884 when Ernest was 22 months old, mentions that Ernest is growing nicely; it appears to be addressed to Mamie. The envelope is postmarked six years later in 1900 and is addressed to Ernest''s mom Mrs. John Mason Rudolph, 565 North 25th Street, Philadelphia, Pa., nee Emma Louise Erskine.
    Speculation - In 1884 Ernest''s mom sent a lock of his hair to her sister Mary Erskine who was known as Mamie. Six years later, Mary mailed it back to Ernest''s mom for safekeeping.
    The lock of hair is in the care of Robert Charles Rudolph.
    Ernest John Rudolph as a baby
    Ernest John Rudolph as a baby
    Back of photo says:
    Ernest John Rudolph
    From the photo collection of Robert Charles Rudolph
    Ernest John Rudolph as a toddler
    Ernest John Rudolph as a toddler
    Back of photo says:
    Ernest John Rudolph
    B. April 10, 1882
    D. June 24, 1935
    From the photo collection of Robert Charles Rudolph
    Ernest John Rudolph as a toddler
    Ernest John Rudolph as a toddler
    Back of photo says:
    Ernest John Rudolph
    died June 24, 1936
    born April 10, 1882
    From the photo collection of Robert Charles Rudolph
    The Rudolph Family in approximately 1895
    The Rudolph Family in approximately 1895
    Back of photo: In the handwriting of Robert Erskine Rudolph (b. 1912): Daddy, His Father, Grandma, Bert
    Ernest John Rudolph (Daddy) is standing at the back left; his brother Robert Erskine Rudolph (Bert) is seated on the steps; their parents Emma Louise Erskine and John Mason Rudolph are on the right; the other two women have not been identified.
    Bert Erskine Rudolph was born in 1890. His father John Mason Rudolph died in 1900. So the photo was taken in the 1890s. Bert looks to be about five years old in the photo, so the photo could have been taken around 1895.
    Elizabeth Jane Thorpe recalls that they had a summer beach cottage on the shore at Asbury Park in the New Jersey Pine Barrons. This photo might be it.
    You can roll the mouse over each person's face to see their name, then click on them to see their other photos.
    From the photo collection of John Mason Rudolph Jr.
    Ernest John Rudolph
    Ernest John Rudolph
    Back of photo:
    Ernest J. Rudolph
    From the photo collection of Robert Charles Rudolph
    Emma Louise Erskine (1862-1951) and her two sons
    Emma Louise Erskine (1862-1951) and her two sons
    Back of photograph says:
    Grandma Johnson
    Daddy - Ernest J. Rudolph
    Uncle Bert
    Taken on Race St.

    The handwritting appears to be that of Robert Erskine Rudolph
    From the photo collection of Robert Charles Rudolph
    21st Birthday Celebration for Ernest John Rudolph in 1903
    21st Birthday Celebration for Ernest John Rudolph in 1903
    You can hover your mouse over the identified people in this photo to see some quick information about them including their name, then click to go to their individual page if you'd like to see more about them. Although only ten people in this 1903 photo have been identified, the photo ties together several threads of the Rudolph family. Additions and corrections to the story below are very welcomed!

    Ernest John Rudolph, who's 21st birthday is being celebrated, does not look very happy. His father John Mason Rudolph had passed away less than three years before. Ernest had been forced to leave Swarthmore College where he had been attending. The family wants Ernest to marry one of the young women in the photo, but Ernest does not wish too. Two and half years later he marries Julia Ann Taylor, whose family from Missouri is not welcome in the East because they had fought vigorously against the Union, never accepting the Missouri Compromise. Perhaps a little too central to the group in the photo is Ernest's younger brother Bert, the doted-upon son. Bert is directly in front of Ernest's mom and right next to their grandmother, Julia Klein Hornberger.

    Several of Ernest's aunts, uncles and cousins are present. His father's older brother Samuel Fogg Rudolph is there with his wife Mary Hansell. His first cousin Thomas Rudolph, Samuel's son, is there with his wife Annie Hearst. His mother's sister Mamie Erskine is there with her husband Frank Vache.

    There are several family heirlooms in the photo. The floral picture on the wall was painted by Emma Louise Erskine who was an artist. A search for this painting is underway. Emma Louise Erskine and her sister Mary Erskine purchased a pair of matching clocks. Emma's clock can be seen in the photo. The family china can be seen on the table. If you zoom in on the plates, you can see that there are twelve plates in a stack on the table, and there are still twelve plates today 110 years later. Finally, the Rudolph family "R" glasses can also be seen on the table. The clock, plates and glasses are currently held by Robert Charles Rudolph.

    There were four successive generations of Rudolphs who were consecutive superintendents or caretakers of the Friends' Southwestern Burial Ground at 236 Powell Lane, Upper Darby, PA. The second and third of those generations are in this photo.

    1) The first generation was Thomas Rudolph (1824 - 1887), who became caretaker in 1872 and held the position until his death in 1887. His wife was Sarah Ann Fogg.
    2) The second generation was Samuel Fogg Rudolph (1848 - 1933), who became caretaker upon his father's death in 1887. He is the tall balding man standing in front of the door frame with his eyes closed. Samuel probably held the position of caretaker when this photo was taken in 1903. His wife Mary S. Hansell is seated at the table.
    3) The third generation to serve as caretaker was Thomas Rudolph (1875 - 1941). Thomas was Ernest John's first cousin. Thomas is in the photo standing just in front of and to the left of his father Samuel. His wife Anna Hearst or Annie is standing to the right of Emma Louise Erskine with her eyes closed. Upon her husband Thomas' death in 1941, Annie served as caretaker for a few years until her son, who had been born while they lived in the caretaker's house at 236 Powell Lane five years before this photo was taken, took over care of the cemetery from her.
    4) The fourth Rudolph to serve as consecutive caretaker was Samuel Fogg Rudolph (1898 - 1961). He was married to Ruth Martin Murray, whose brother Jim Murray took over as caretaker upon Samuel's death.

    All four of these consecutive Rudolph caretakers, and their four wives including Annie who held the position for a while, are buried in the Friend's Southwestern Burial Ground. You can click to their individual webpages to see photos of their headstones and locations.

    This 1903 photo has been restored and is in the photo collection of Robert C Rudolph.
    Ernest John Rudolph and his second wife Maude Gertrude Pindell Shortly After Their Marriage in 1920
    Ernest John Rudolph and his second wife Maude Gertrude Pindell Shortly After Their Marriage in 1920
    Identified by Elizabeth Jane Thorpe
    From the photo collection of John Frederick Brenner from Robert Hunsperger
    Ernest John Rudolph, his second wife Maude Gertrude Pindell, John Mason Rudolph Sr., Robert Erskine Rudolph - July 5, 1925 - Might be at the Pindell inlaws home
    Ernest John Rudolph, his second wife Maude Gertrude Pindell, John Mason Rudolph Sr., Robert Erskine Rudolph - July 5, 1925 - Might be at the Pindell inlaws home
    Handwriting on back: July 5, 1925
    You can roll your mouse over each person's face to see their name if known, then click on them to see their other photos.
    From the photo collection of John Mason Rudolph Jr.
    Ernest John Rudolph
    Ernest John Rudolph
    From the photo collection of John Frederick Brenner from Robert Hunsperger
    Ernest John Rudolph and his second wife Maude Gertrude Pindell
    Ernest John Rudolph and his second wife Maude Gertrude Pindell
    Notation on rear of photo by Robert Erskine Rudolph (b. 1912):
    Dad + Mother taken June 29, 1934
    Ernest died June 24, 1936 age 54 years.
    From the photo collection of John Mason Rudolph Jr.
    August 5, 1934 - Ernest John Rudolph and his four children
    August 5, 1934 - The Rudolph Family
    Ernest John Rudolph's children gathered at his and his second wife Maude Gertrude Pindell's house on Pratt Street in Baltimore, MD on August 5, 1934 for a series of family photos. This picture is one of that series.
    Left to right front row: Robert Erskine Rudolph, John Mason Rudolph, Sr. Back row: Emma Jane Rudolph, Ernest John Rudolph, Elizabeth Julia Rudolph.
    Unknown handwriting on the back: 8/5/34 Notation on the back by John Mason Rudolph Jr.: John Mason Rudolph Sr. pictures with his father Ernest Rudolph, his brother Robert and two sisters Jane and Betty. Taken 1934.
    You can roll your mouse over each person's face to see their name, then click on them to see their other photos.
    From the photo collection of John Mason Rudolph Jr.
    August 5, 1934 - Ernest John Rudolph and his youngest child Emma Jane Rudolph
    August 5, 1934 - Ernest John Rudolph and his youngest child Emma Jane Rudolph
    Ernest John Rudolph's children gathered at his and his second wife Maude Gertrude Pindell's house on Pratt Street in Baltimore, MD on August 5, 1934 for a series of family photos. This picture is one of that series.
    Ernest John Rudolph and Emma Jane Rudolph
    Unknown handwriting on the back: 8/5/34
    From the photo collection of John Mason Rudolph Jr.
    August 5, 1934 - Ernest John Rudolph and his youngest child Emma Jane Rudolph
    August 5, 1934 - Ernest John Rudolph and his youngest child Emma Jane Rudolph
    Ernest John Rudolph's children gathered at his and his second wife Maude Gertrude Pindell's house on Pratt Street in Baltimore, MD on August 5, 1934 for a series of family photos. This picture is one of that series.
    From the photo collection of John Frederick Brenner from Robert Hunsperger
    August 5, 1934 - Ernest John Rudolph
    August 5, 1934 - Ernest John Rudolph
    Ernest John Rudolph's children gathered at his and his second wife Maude Gertrude Pindell's house on Pratt Street in Baltimore, MD on August 5, 1934 for a series of family photos. This picture is one of that series.
    From the photo collection of Robert Charles Rudolph
    Ernest John Rudolph
    Ernest John Rudolph
    From the photo collection of John Mason Rudolph Jr.


    » Slide Show
    Ernest John Rudolph Monthly Report Cards From the Friends Select School in Philadelphia for the School Year 1893 - 1894
    Ernest John Rudolph Monthly Report Cards From the Friends Select School in Philadelphia for the School Year 1893 - 1894
    Includes his courses, grades, conduct, teacher's comments, physical measurements and condition and his dad John Mason Rudolph's signature each month. Compare your natural talents to his.
    Original cared for by Robert Charles Rudolph
    Friends Select School - 1893 to 1894 Catalogue for the School Year - Includes Ernest J. Rudolph in the list of Pupils
    Friends Select School - 1893 to 1894 Catalogue for the School Year - Includes Ernest J. Rudolph in the list of Pupils
    Includes sketches of the inside of the school, yearly school calendar at a glance, school committee similar to a board of education, teachers and the subjects they taught, list of graduates 1841-1884, list of current pupils including Ernest J. Rudolph, the history and mission of the school, four detailed pages about the curriculum, the lunch program, rules, daily hours, how to apply and that applications quite exceed accommodation and finally the tuition starting with primary education at $20 a month to high school at $55 a month.
    Original cared for by Robert Charles Rudolph.
    Friends Select School - Ninth Mo. 28, 1892 - Offer to partake in the hot dinner program at 12.15 p.m. daily
    Friends Select School - Ninth Mo. 28, 1892 - Offer to partake in the hot dinner program at 12.15 p.m. daily
    "The dinner will consist of soup, hot meat and vegtables, and dessert. The cost will be $1.25 per week, paid in advance, in the dining room."
    Original cared for by Robert Charles Rudolph
    Friends Select School Tuition Bills from October 1891 to March 1899 for Ernest John Rudolph
    Friends Select School Tuition Bills from October 1891 to March 1899 for Ernest John Rudolph
    The tuition bills are made out to John Mason Rudolph, but with Thomas Rudolph scratched out a couple times.The bills were mailed to John M. Rudolph, 565 N. 25th St, Phila.
    Originals cared for by Robert Charles Rudolph
    Ernest John Rudolph flyer of January 28, 1912 for a series of Gospel Meetings he is hosting at his home on Mountain Avenue in North Plainfield, NJ
    Ernest John Rudolph flyer of January 28, 1912 for a series of Gospel Meetings he is hosting at his home on Mountain Avenue in North Plainfield, NJ
    Original cared for by Robert Charles Rudolph
    A letter written by Ernest John Rudolph on 28 Jan 1919 at Philadelphia, PA to his brother Robert (Bert) Erskine Rudolph
    A letter written by Ernest John Rudolph on 28 Jan 1919 at Philadelphia, PA to his brother Robert (Bert) Erskine Rudolph
    A very sad letter written four months after his wife Julia Ann Taylor (1883-1918) died and their four children had been taken away by the state.
    Original cared for by Robert Charles Rudolph
    Letters from Mom and Dad to John Mason Rudolph Sr while serving in the Maryland National Guard - August 21, 1935
    Letters from Mom and Dad to John Mason Rudolph Sr while serving in the Maryland National Guard - August 21, 1935
    From the photo collection of John Mason Rudolph Jr.
    Rudolph, Ernest John and Taylor, Julia A. - Marriage Certificate (partial)
    Ernest John Rudolph and Julia A. Taylor - Marriage Certificate (partial)
    Includes part of his name and his marriage date/place to Julia A. Taylor
    Original cared for by Robert Charles Rudolph
    Rudolph Family Bible #1 - Dates between 1881 and 1918 - Births Page
    Rudolph Family Bible #1 - Dates between 1881 and 1918 - Births Page
    His name and birth date are shown.
    Rudolph Family Bible #1 - Dates between 1881 and 1918 - Marriages Page
    Rudolph Family Bible #1 - Dates between 1881 and 1918 - Marriages Page
    His marriage date to Julia A. Taylor is shown.
    Rudolph Family Bible #2 - Dates between 1827 and 1934 - Births Page 1
    Rudolph Family Bible #2 - Dates between 1827 and 1934 - Births Page 1
    His name and birth date are shown.
    Rudolph Family Bible #2 - Dates between 1827 and 1934 - Marriages Page
    Rudolph Family Bible #2 - Dates between 1827 and 1934 - Marriages Page
    His marriage dates to Julia Ann Taylor and Maude Gertrude Pindell are shown.
    Rudolph Family Bible #3 - Dates between 1824 and 1934 - Births Page
    Rudolph Family Bible #3 - Dates between 1824 and 1934 - Births Page
    His name and birth year are shown.
    Rudolph Family Bible #3 - Dates between 1824 and 1934 - Marriages Page
    Rudolph Family Bible #3 - Dates between 1824 and 1934 - Marriages Page
    His marriage dates to both Julia Ann Taylor and Maude G. Pindell are shown.
    Friends' South-Western Burial Ground - Plans of Family Lots #1601 - Lot I51
    Friends' South-Western Burial Ground - Plans of Family Lots #1601 - Lot I51
    His birth date, death date and burial date/location are shown.
    Friends' South-Western Burial Ground - Notebook for section I - Lot I51
    Friends' South-Western Burial Ground - Notebook for section I - Lot I51
    His death date and burial location are shown.

    Headstone of Ernest J. Rudolph and Julia A. Rudolph in lot I51 at the Friends' South-Western Burial Ground, 236 Powell Lane, Upper Darby, PA.
    Headstone of Ernest J. Rudolph and Julia A. Rudolph in lot I51 at the Friends' South-Western Burial Ground, 236 Powell Lane, Upper Darby, PA.
    His name, birth year and death year are readable.

    Samuel Fogg 1628-1672 His Ancestors and Descendants - Sarah Ann Fogg - No. 1220
    Samuel Fogg 1628-1672 His Ancestors and Descendants - Sarah Ann Fogg - No. 1220
    This history includes his name, birth date.
    At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.

  • Notes 
    • Conflict: Jordan lists his birth date as 4 Oct 1882. This differs from all other sources and may be a transposition error of 4/10/1882.

      Note from Elizabeth Jane Thorpe: He attended Swarthmore College but needed to drop out for lack of tuition when his father died.

      !MARRIAGE: Marriage Certificate to Maude Gertrude Pindell; 1920; St. Barnabas Church, Kensington, Philadelphia, PA; ; Original in possession of Robert Charles Rudolph, Glastonbury, CT; NOTE: List of witnesses/guests.

  • Sources 
    1. [S57] Rudolph, Robert Erskine - Certificate and Record of Birth, State of New Jersey, Bureau of Vital Statistics, (Date of report 15 Feb 1912), 23 Jun 1998.
      !NAME: Place of birth: Mountain Ave., N. Plainfield, N.J., Age of father: 29, Occupation of father: Laborer, Age of mother: 28, Occupation of mother: wife, Number of children in all from this marriage: four, Number of children now living: two.

    2. [S58] Rudolph, Robert Erskine - Certificate of Death, State of Maryland, Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, (issued 31 May 1983), 23 Jun 1998.
      !NAME: NOTE: Cause of Death, Cardiac Arrest after years of Aortic Sterosis, HOUR: 7:08 PM (after mowing lawn ..RCR) SSN: 217-07-8256, RESIDENCE: P.O. Box 14, Harmans, MD, 21077, HOSPITAL: Howard County Hospital.

    3. [S11] Rudolph Family Bible #3 - Dates between 1824 and 1934 - Births Page.
      The name and birth year of Ernest John Rudolph are shown.
      (The original image for this source can be clicked on and viewed from the Documents section above.)

    4. [S68] Samuel Fogg 1628-1672 His Ancestors and Descendants - Sarah Ann Fogg - No. 1220, Whitten, Phyllis O., Compiler, (Annandale, Virginia: Mrs. Herbert O. Whitten), CS F655.1976 V.1..
      The name and birth date of Ernest J. Rudolph are mentioned.
      (The source text can be viewed by clicking this Source number or from the Histories section above)

    5. [S14] Rudolph Family Bible #1 - Dates between 1881 and 1918 - Births Page.
      The name and birth date of Ernest John Rudolph are mentioned.
      (The original image for this source can be clicked on and viewed from the Documents section above.)

    6. [S8] Rudolph Family Bible #2 - Dates between 1827 and 1934 - Births Page 1.
      The name and birth date of Ernest John Rudolph are shown.
      (The original image for this source can be clicked on and viewed from the Documents section above.)

    7. [S174] Rudolph, Ernest J. and Julia A. - Shared Headstone - Friends' South-Western Burial Ground, 236 Powell Ln, Upper Darby, PA.
      The name, birth year and death year of Ernest J. Rudolph and his wife Julia A. Rudolph are readable.
      (An image of this source can be viewed from the Headstones section above)

    8. [S245] Rudolph, Ernest John and Taylor, Julia A. - Marriage Certificate (partial).
      Includes the names and marriage date/place of ...olph and Julia A. Taylor
      (An image of this source can be viewed by clicking this Source number or from the Documents section above)

    9. [S68] Samuel Fogg 1628-1672 His Ancestors and Descendants - Sarah Ann Fogg - No. 1220, Whitten, Phyllis O., Compiler, (Annandale, Virginia: Mrs. Herbert O. Whitten), CS F655.1976 V.1..
      The name and birth date of Ernest J. Rudolph are mentioned.
      (The original image for this source can be clicked on and viewed from the Documents section above.)

    10. [S156] Friends' South-Western Burial Ground - Plans of Family Lots #1601 - Lot I51.
      The birth date, death date and burial date/location of Ernest Rudolph are shown.
      (The original image for this source can be clicked on and viewed from the Documents section above.)

    11. [S161] Friends' South-Western Burial Ground - Notebook for section I - Lot I51.
      The death date and burial location of Ernest Rudolph are shown.
      (The original image for this source can be clicked on and viewed from the Documents section above.)

    12. [S9] Rudolph Family Bible #3 - Dates between 1824 and 1934 - Marriages Page.
      The marriage dates of Ernest J. Rudolph to Julia Ann Taylor and to Maude G. Pindell are shown.
      (The original image for this source can be clicked on and viewed from the Documents section above.)

    13. [S12] Rudolph Family Bible #1 - Dates between 1881 and 1918 - Marriages Page.
      The marriage date of Ernest John Rudolph and Julia A. Taylor is shown.
      (The original image for this source can be clicked on and viewed from the Documents section above.)

    14. [S5] Rudolph Family Bible #2 - Dates between 1827 and 1934 - Marriages Page.
      The marriage dates of Ernest John Rudolph to Julia Ann Taylor and Maude Gertrude Pindell are shown.
      (The original image for this source can be clicked on and viewed from the Documents section above.)

The family history presented in this website is maintained by Bob Rudolph, 315 Mountain Road, Glastonbury, CT 06033. Contact Bob at robert.rudolph@policysystems.com. All materials contained in this website are Copyright © 1998-2025 by same and may not be used for commercial purposes without the expressed written permission of same. This site powered by The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding ©, v. 9.0.4, written by Darrin Lythgoe 2001-2025.