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Sir Bryan Tuke



Samuel Fogg 1628-1672 His Ancestors and Descendants - Aaron Fogg - No. 48

This long and rich biographical and historical entry includes his name and his daughter Lady Mary.


b. 1721 (Fogg Bible rec.) (d. rec. indicates b. 1719); d. Dec.22, 1783, age 64. Will made May 1,1779 and proved Dec.27,1784; m. July 2,1764, Hannah Miller, b. 1728, lvd. Greenwich,N.J., dau. of Ebenezer and Sarah (C) Miller who was dau. of John Collier.

m.2nd. Sept.20,1752 Sarah(Bassettt)Smith,b.1719, d. Mar.21,1776, dau. of Elisha and Abigail (Elizabeth, poss. middle name)(Davis) Bassett of Piles Grove, N. J. Sarah is the widow of Thomas Smith, son of Joseph Smith who was born in 1691 of Mannington,N.J. Sara m. Thomas in 1740 at Piles Grove Mtg. Hse. He d. 1748/9. He was a miller. His grandfather, John Smith was one of John Fenwick's exeutors to his last will and testament with William Penn, Samuel Hedge, and Robert Tindle. Sarah and Thomas had ch: William b. Oct.31,1741,m. Sarah Chambless; David b.1744, m. Mary Chambless; Thomas b. 1747, m. Hannah Willis.

Charles was a farmer and lived at Alloway Creek. In 1753, Oct.4th, he bought a farm from William Chandler. April 20, 1767 Charles and Abraham Moss exchanged farms.

Deed- May 29,1755:Wm.Oakford to Charles Fogg- 200 acres of salt marsh at All.Cr. William Oakford of Alloways Creek, Salem Co., yoeman, of the one part and Charles Fogg of Mannenton, Salem Co.

Aforesaid Tanner of the other part - witnesseth that the said Wm. Oakford for and in consideration of the sum of 28 pounds Eight shillings and six pence- for tract and Parcel of Salt Marsh which he the sd Wm. Oakford purchased of Daniel Cox (May 23,1750) situate on the south side of Alloways Creek near the mouth of there which lies...... (Fogg Ditch is mentioned and the land adjoins the property of John and Bej. Holmes, Wm. Logan, John Stewart,Edw. Wade and John Oakford.

Apr.20,176....S...in 7th yr.of King George III between Abraham Moss of Alloway Creek, yoeman,and Charles Fogg of Alloway Creek, Farmer.(there is an exchange of two parcels of land bought by Charles Fogg from Wm. Chandler on Oct.4,1753).

Land adjoining John Denn and Richard Smith...201 acres to Charles Fogg, 'along the line of Blazed trees being the Division line of said Moss and Smith to a maple standing on the north end of Burnum Pond marked 12 notches thence..one chain and forty two links to stake for a corner standing by said Pond....along the line of said Richard Smith to a Dead Black Oak marked with the letters 'I.B.' for a corner... along said Henry Stubbins line to a Maple marked with the letters 'A.M.' and 'H.S.' standing in the middle of a Branch.

Charles' land: 92 acres of marsh and swamp adjoining plantations of Daniel Smith, Wm. Tyler and ..... of little creek to a little maple marked with letters ' S.T.' and ' D.S.' standing in a swamp.

Charles' 2nd. pc. of land, 20 acres of land and marsh;...East to a large Forked Red Oake Tree marked with letters ' R.M.K.' and 'I.S.'.

Charles also gave Abraham Moss 605 pounds, along with the two parcels of land, for 201 acres.

Elizabeth Thompson: Nov.12,1776: Andrew Thompson and wife died leaving a four year old daughter. Administration granted to Joseph Thompson and he through ' sloth and indolence' sufffered debts to be laid against the estate although he had plenty assets in his hands, for near two years. No administration granted to his widow, who is of low circumstances and not fit for the task, therefore, for pity for the child, we pray that our friend, Charles Fogg, may be the child's guardian. signed by William Hancock,Jr. (Nov.15,1776 gdnshp granted to Charles Fogg.Elisha Bassett, fellowbonds-man, both of Salem Co.)

Sarah Bassett, wife of Charles, is probably in direct line of descent from Edward I, King of England and his 1st wife, Princess Eleanor, daughter of King Ferdinand III of Castile.Refer to books, THE BASSETT FAMILY by Catherine Soleman Chandler, printed by the Salem Historical Society, and JOHN DAVIS- His Wife, DOROTHEA (GOTHERSON) DAVIS, by Catherine Soleman Chandler and Elmer Garfield Van Name, printed by the Salem Historical Society in Salem, N.J. The one slight problem seems to be the fact that no document has been found for the marriage of John Davis and Dorothea Gotherson. However, there is much to support the fact of this marriage through family records and Shourd's History of Fenwick Colony.

This royal line has been printed in books containing royal ancestry but one generation was left out in the line of Sarah. Dorothea and John had son, Isaac, who married Elizabeth, and Abigail Davis is the daughter of Isaac. Abigail married Elisah Bassett.The line goes thus:

1. Edward I, King of England m. 1st.,Princess Eleanor, daughter of King Ferd-inand III of Castile.
2. Princess Joan D'Arce m. Gilbert De Clare, Earl of Hertford and Gloucester.
3. Lady Eleanor De Clare m. Hugh le Despencer, Earl of Winchester, executed 1326.
4. Lady Isabel le Despencer m. Richard Fitz-Alan, 9th Earl of Arundel.
5. Lady Phillippa Fitz-Alan m. Sir Richard Sergeaux Knt. of Sergeaux,Cornwall.
6. Lady Phillippa Sergeaux m. Sir Robert Pahley, Knight.
7. Sir John Pashley, Knight, m. Lowys, daughter of Sir Thomas Gower.
8. Lady Elysabeth Pashley m. Reginald De Pympe.
9. Ann De Pympe m. Sir John Scott of Scotts Hall and Nettlesteade; Sheriff of Kent, 1528.
10. Sir John Scott of Scotts Hall m. 2nd, Lady Mary, dau. of Sir Bryan Tuke.
11. Sir Charles Scott of Egerton, Kent, m. Lady Jane Wyatt, dau. of Sir Thomas Wyatt who was executed Apr.11,1554, London Tower. She is also of Dutch Royal descent and Aunt of Gov. Francis Wyatt of Virginia.
12.Sir Thomas Scott m. 2nd, Jane Knatchbull, dau. of John Knatchbull.
13. Dorothea Scott m. 1st, Major Daniel Gotherson; m. 2nd ab. 1670, John Hogben. In 1680, she came to Oyster Bay, L.I., N.Y., where her first husband bought land in 1633.
14. Dorothea Gotherson m. John Davis of Pilesgrove Twp.,Salem, N.J.
15. Isacc Davis married Elizabeth ..........
16. Abigail Davis m. Elisha Bassett, Jr., of Salem, N.J.
17. Sarah Bassett m. 2nd, Charles Fogg of Alloways Creek, N.J.

The JOHN DAVIS booklet, of which I spoke, names alternative lines. In this particular line back to Edward I the author mentions Sir Edmund Fitz Alan. He was not in the book from which I copied my information. When I was searching other English books I discovered there was some confusion about Sir John Scott or Sir Reginald Scott. I am sure further research will be most interesting for those concerned.

177. SARAH-5 b. May 1747; d. Fall of 1747
178. HANNAH-5 b. Nov.10,1749/50
179. SARAH-5 b. May 27,1756
180. RACHEL-5 b. Sept.26,1758
181. MARY-5 b. ; d. 1759, age 1 month.
182. CHARLES-5 b. Oct.19,1760
183. AARON-5 b. July 12,1762

Witnesses to marriages of Charles Fogg:

Charles Fogg and Hannah Miller, both of Greenwich, Salem Co., Prov. of West New Jersey, second day of seventh month 1746. Ebenezer Miller, Sarah Miller, Joseph Fogg, Ebenezer Miller, Jr.,Daniel Fogg, Josiah Miller, Lucy Fogg, Sarah Fogg, Ann and Noah Wheeten, Elizabeth Fogg, Leatitia Wood, Martha Bacon, Elizabeth Dennis, Abraham Moss, James Daniel, Joseph Reeve, Richard Wood, John Bacon, Elizabeth Hudson, Elizabeth Bacon, Ann and Lucy Dennis, Priscilla Wood, Mark Reeve, John Bacon, Jr., Martha, Mary, and Prudence Dennis.

Charles Fogg of Greenwich, Cumberland Co., and Sarah Smith of Manington, Salem Co., N.J., widower, 20th day of 9th month 1752. Elisha Bassett, Abigail Bassett, Elizabeth Davis, Daniel Fogg, Sarah Fogg, Margaret Fogg, Phebe Smith, Susanna Smith, Grace Fogg, Elisha Bassett, Jr., Jeremiah Smith, Davis, Samuel, and Rachel Bassett, Henry Stubbins, William Hall, Hannah Pledger, John Smith, Richard Willets, Preston Carpenter, Josiah Melly, Abigail Chandler, Nathaniel Hall, Job Smith, Samuel Smith.

Last Will and Testament of Charles Fogg, May 1,1779:

I Chales Fogg of Lower Aloways Crick in County of Salem of State of West New Jersey calling to mind the the unsertanty of Life hear do mack and ordain this to bee my last will and testament in manner following

Imprimis my will is that all my just debts and funeral charges bee paid out of my movable estate

Item I give and bequeaf unto my three dafters Hannah Hancock, Sarah freth, and Rachel Ridgway all my Salt Marsh that I bought of Ebenezer Miller except one hundred acres I sold to Matthew Morrison (Morason) and William Crage to bee enquilly divided between them ther heirs and assighnes forever it lying and joyning Dilloway River hop Crick, and Logins South Line

Item I give and bequeaf unto my two sons Charles and Aaron Fogg all my plantation I bought of Abraham Moss to bee enquilly divided between them ther heirs and assighnes for ever

Lick wise I give and bequeaf unto my two sons Charles and Aaron Fogg all the remainder of my Salt marsh that I bought of William and Isaac Oakford bee enquilly divided between them and ther heirs and assighes for ever it lyeth adjoyning Aloways Crick, Logins line and Holmes and Slats Crick my will is that if either of my sons should dye under age and without lawfull issue that his part shall go to the surviving brother.

Then I give all my waring aparil to bee enquilly divided between my two sons Charles and Aaron Lickwise I constitute my two Easteemed Brothers Davis Bassit and Josiah Miller to be gardeans to my two sons Charles and Aaron to rent the lands not to hurt the S... nor to Distroy the timber and to divide the lands between my two sons if it should be needful.

Item I give and devise all the remainder of my parsonal Eastate to bee Enquillly divided between my 3 dafters Hannah Hancock Sarah freth Rachel Ridgway Lastly I constitute and apoynt my son in law Daniel Ridgway to my Exr of this my last will and testament Dicanceling all former wills whatso-ever published and acknolidge to be my last will and testament this first day of the fift month one thousand seven hundred and seventy nine 1779.

(Signed) Charles Fogg

Signed sealed and acknowlidg in the presents of us
John Smith
Sarah Smith
unreadable third signature

Inventory of Charles Fogg, appraised Jan.1,1784 by Wm. Goodwin & Robert Wilson:

A horse, bridle, saddle, and Cash 19 pounds 3 shillings 4 pence
Case of Drawers, tables, looking glass, chairs, etc. 10 pounds 15 shillings
Table and bed, linnin, curtains, stove, and glass ware etc. 4 pounds 14 shillings 11 pence
Chests, casks with salt, flaxseed, dry apples hops etc 3 pounds 2 shillings
Feather beds and bedding, chests and sundries 10 pounds 1 shillings 6 pence
Stone, pewter, brass and tinn-ware, a trunk, chairs, etc 9 pounds 4 shillings
An 8 day clock and a parcel of old books. 19 pounds 12 shillings 6 pence
P-led meat, lard, vinegar, and casks. 10 pounds 1 shillings
Potatoes, apples, old-iron, tools, vessels, etc. 4 pounds 5 shillings 6 pence
Earthen ware, fat, cheese-press, tubbs, grind stones, tongs, Trammils Pots, and other kitchen ware etc 8 pounds 1 shillings 6 pence
Watering pot, case-knives, axes, hoes, forks, baggs etc. 4 pounds 11 shillings 6 pence
Drying-beef, old saddle, bed and table linnin, tools. 5 pounds 2 shillings 2 pence
Oats, wheat, Indian Corn and some tools. 23 pounds 5 shillings
Leather, raw-hides, old-iron, plows, harrows, cart, gears, etc. 7 pounds 14 shillings
A Riding-wagon, Pitch-forks, Rake and Bridles etc. 10 pounds 19 shillings 6 pence
Flax in sheaf and two mares. 21 pounds 10 shillings
A mare and colt. 18 pounds
Some young cattles and a fat cow. 18 pounds
A pair of young oxen and 2 cows. 18 pounds
23 sheep and 13 small stacks of hay. 31 pounds
Swine and some cattle abroad. 31 pounds
Wheat on the ground and leather in the vats and sundries. 20 pounds 10 shillings
Wheat 24 bushels sold for 10-17-0 10 pounds 17 shillings 8 pence
Sundry Book debts on several Persons amounting to 79 pounds 4 shillings 4 pence
Two notes on Interest amounting to 10 pounds 16 shillings 4 pence

420 poumds 1 shillings 9 pence

Dimensions x
Linked toEdward, I, King of England; Princess Eleanor; Elizabeth; Ferdinand, III, King of Castile; Lowys; Lady Mary; Elisha Bassett, Jr; Sarah Bassett; Princess Joan D'Arce; Abigail Davis; Isacc Davis; John Davis; Lady Eleanor de Clare; Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Hertford and Gloucester; Ann De Pympe; Reginald De Pympe; Lady Phillippa Fitz-Alan; Richard Fitz-Alan, 9th Earl of Arundel; Aaron Fogg; Charles Fogg; Charles Fogg; Hannah Fogg; Mary Fogg; Rachel Fogg; Sarah Fogg; Sarah Fogg; Major Daniel Gotherson; Dorothea Gotherson; Sir Thomas Gower; Jane Knatchbull; Hugh le Despencer, Earl of Winchester; Lady Isabel le Despencer; Hannah Miller; Sir Robert Pahley, Knight; Lady Elysabeth Pashley; Sir John Pashley, Knight; Sir Charles Scott; Dorothea Scott; Sir John Scott; Sir John Scott, Sheriff of Kent, 1528; Sir Thomas Scott; Lady Phillippa Sergeaux; Sir Richard Sergeaux, Knight of Sergeaux; Sir Bryan Tuke; Lady Jane Wyatt; Sir Thomas Wyatt

The family history presented in this website is maintained by Bob Rudolph, 315 Mountain Road, Glastonbury, CT 06033. Contact Bob at robert.rudolph@policysystems.com. All materials contained in this website are Copyright © 1998-2024 by same and may not be used for commercial purposes without the expressed written permission of same. This site powered by The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding ©, v. 9.0.4, written by Darrin Lythgoe 2001-2024.