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Loading... The Evans Family in Approximately 1901
This important family portrait is from approximately 1901. The photograph is possibly after a First Communion ceremony in the Episcopal Church in Birmingham, England.
The photo is actually on a postcard. It has very Victorian handwriting on the back, in pencil so parts of the writing have worn away. The postcard was found underneath a bureau in Alice Thorpe's home at 337 North Everett Avenue, Scranton, PA, after her youngest son Donald Bedford passed away. The photo had been made into a postcard by H.S. Bades, 01 Wednesbury Rd., Walsall, England.
Mrs. and Mr. Evans are on the far ends of the middle row. Their five daughters make up the back row including Frances Evans second from the left. Frances Evan's daughter Alice Thorpe is in the middle row, third from the left.
From the photo collection of Elizabeth D'Attilio.
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