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A History of Delaware County Pennsylvania and Its People

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  • Title  A History of Delaware County Pennsylvania and Its People 
    Short Title  A History of Delaware County Pennsylvania and Its People 
    Author  Jordan, John W., Editor, Librarian of the Historical Society of PA 
    Publisher  New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1914 
    Call Number  F157.D3 J8 
    Repository  Connecticut State Library 
    Source ID  S2 

         From the time of the settlement of this country of William Penn and his colony of Quakers, the influence of this sect has been felt in a quiet, but none the less powerful, manner in many directions, and invariably to the benefit of the matters with which they interest themselves. The Rudolph family, of Springfield township, and of Upper Darby township, Delaware county, Pennsylvania, is a notable example of this kind. Tradition has it that they are of French descent; however it is known as a positive fact that they have been Quakers for a number of generations.

         (I) Thomas Rudolph was a farmer and drover, and became very prosperous, owning two farms in Springfield township. He married Hannah Powell and had children: Abraham, at first a farmer, then removed to Woodbury, New Jersey, where he engaged in the grocery business; Thomas, see forward; Hannah, married Joshua Longworth, and lived in Abington township; Mary, died young, unmarried; Sarah, married Joseph Longworth, a farmer.

         (II) Thomas, son of Thomas and Hannah (Powell) Rudolph, was born in Springfield township, Delaware county, Pennsylvania, December 21, 1824, and died February 18, 1887. During the greater part of his life he was engaged as a farmer, but in 1872 he was offered, and he accepted the position of superintendent of the Friends' Southwestern Cemetery, filling this office until his death. He was an Independent in political matters, and in religion an attendant of the Concord Quarterly Meeting. He married Sarah A. Fogg, born in Philadelphia, February 2, 1828, died October 29, 1894. She was the daughter of Samuel Allen and Elizabeth (Glover) Fogg; the former born February 20, 1805, died November 28, 1893; the latter born August 16, 1807, died May 3, 1893. Samuel Allen Fogg was born in Salem, New Jersey, and was a bricklayer by occupation. He was of English descent, and also a member of the Society of Friends. During the latter years of his life he was in the undertaking business. He and his wife raised a large family, of whom there are now living the following: Joseph, lives at Sixteenth and Race streets, Philadelphia; Rachel, married John E. Balderson; Elizabeth, married Harry Stiles. Thomas and Sarah A. (Fogg) Rudolph had children: Samuel F., see forward; Deborah F., born March 27, 1853, died April 27, 1876; Hannah, born July 24, 1856, died September 28, 1875; Elizabeth, born May 1, 1858, died March 15, 1910, married William P. Hall; John M., deceased.

         (III) Samuel F., son of Thomas and Sarah A. (Fogg) Rudolph, was born in Springfield township, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, December 25, 1848, in the same house in which his father had been born. He received a part of his education in the Friends' School in Chichester township, Delaware county, Pennsylvania, later attending the public schools. His education was completed when he left school at the age of sixteen years, and he then assisted his father in the cultivation of the farm until his marriage. He rented farms successively at Beverly, New Jersey, and in Delaware county, Pennsylvania, and upon the death of his father in 1887, was appointed to succeed him as superintendent of the cemetery. He is a member of the Society of Friends, attending the Western District Monthly Meeting. Mr. Rudolph is quiet, even-tempered and unassuming in his manner, yet with a perseverance and faithful attention to detail which render his services invaluable. He attends to his various duties in a most methodical manner, and the cemetery is kept in a model way.

         Mr. Rudolph married, April 18, 1872, Mary S., born in Philadelphia, daughter of Edwin and Louisa Hansell, both now deceased. Mr. Hansell was a woodcarver by trade, and lived on Thirteenth street, Philadelphia. Children of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph: Edwin, born September 7, 1873, died September 2, 1893; Thomas, born June 14, 1875, married Anna Hearst, and assists his father in the care of the cemetery; Laura, born February 7, 1884, died May 7, 1884.
    Linked to  Louisa
    John E Balderson
    Elizabeth G Fogg
    Joseph Glover Fogg
    Rachel Stiles Fogg
    Samuel Bern Fogg
    Sarah Ann Fogg
    Elizabeth Hopkins Glover
    William P Hall
    Edwin Hansell
    Mary S Hansell
    Anna Hearst
    Joseph Longstreth
    Joshua Morris Longstreth
    Abram Powell Rudolph
    Deborah F Rudolph
    Edwin Hansell Rudolph
    Elizabeth P Rudolph
    Hannah L Rudolph
    Hannah P. Rudolph
    John Mason Rudolph
    Laura H Rudolph
    Mary M. Rudolph
    Samuel Fogg Rudolph
    Sarah Ann Rudolph
    Thomas Rudolph
    Thomas Rudolph
    Henry S Stiles
    Family: Edwin Hansell/Louisa (F188)
    Family: Joshua Morris Longstreth/Hannah P. Rudolph (F189)
    Family: Joseph Longstreth/Sarah Ann Rudolph (F190)
    Family: William P Hall/Elizabeth P Rudolph (F191)
    Family: John E Balderson/Rachel Stiles Fogg (F331)
    Family: Henry S Stiles/Elizabeth G Fogg (F332)
    Family: Thomas Rudolph/Sarah Ann Fogg (F35)
    Family: Thomas Rudolph/Hannah Powell (F36)
    Family: Samuel Fogg Rudolph/Mary S Hansell (F40)
    Family: Samuel Bern Fogg/Elizabeth Hopkins Glover (F42)
    Family: Thomas Rudolph/Anna Hearst (F48) 

  •  Notes 
    • Comment: This book is not an original source. There is no indication as to where the Editor got the information. As conjecture, by noting where the entry does and does not list dates and the personal information found in the entry, it seems that the family was surveyed or questioned about the information as the book was written, and that the family checked the dates on the headstones in the cemetery and forwarded that information back to Jordan. On a trip to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Jordan's original source material should be determined and studied

The family history presented in this website is maintained by Bob Rudolph, 315 Mountain Road, Glastonbury, CT 06033. Contact Bob at robert.rudolph@policysystems.com. All materials contained in this website are Copyright © 1998-2025 by same and may not be used for commercial purposes without the expressed written permission of same. This site powered by The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding ©, v. 9.0.4, written by Darrin Lythgoe 2001-2025.